Eddie The Elephant

Once upon a time, in a small village in Africa, there was a mischievous elephant named Eddie. Eddie was known throughout the village for his playful and curious nature. He had a particular fondness for watermelons, and he would often sneak into the villagers' fields to steal them.

The villagers were tired of Eddie's antics and decided to come up with a plan to stop him. They decided to invite a wise old man from a neighboring village to help them out. The wise old man had a reputation for his clever solutions to various problems.

When the wise old man arrived, the villagers explained the problem to him. He nodded thoughtfully and asked for a few days to come up with a plan. During those days, he observed Eddie's behavior and noticed that the elephant was incredibly afraid of mice.

Armed with this knowledge, the wise old man devised a plan. He told the villagers to gather as many mice as they could and place them inside hollowed-out watermelons. The idea was to create a "mouse-filled" watermelon that would terrify Eddie.

The villagers worked diligently, collecting mice and preparing the watermelons. When everything was ready, they placed the watermelons in Eddie's favorite field. Sure enough, Eddie couldn't resist the temptation and came charging in.

As soon as Eddie bit into one of the watermelons, he was met with a surprise. Mice spilled out in every direction, and Eddie, terrified, trumpeted loudly and fled the scene as fast as he could. The villagers watched with glee as their plan unfolded.

From that day on, Eddie the mischievous elephant never bothered the villagers or their watermelon fields again. The sight of a watermelon now filled with mice was enough to send him running in the opposite direction. The villagers shared many laughs about the time they outsmarted an elephant with a mouse-filled watermelon.

The story of Eddie the elephant and the mouse-filled watermelons became a favorite tale in the village, passed down from generation to generation, and it always brought smiles and laughter to those who heard it.
